This homemade chicken broth can be made while boiling chicken, two for one! It’s perfect to use for soups and more.
The simple things in life are often the best. For instance, chicken broth, a simple liquid that is often overlooked or taken for granted, is very basic. It doesn’t require much thought… until you need it in a recipe.
You can use “store-bought liquid or bouillon cubes” to make your broth because both are “quick fixes”. However, another, more delicious alternative would be to cook up your own broth, can it, and save it for those mouth-watering dishes that are sure to be part of your culinary journey.
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Boiling the Chicken
See our recipe for Boiled Chicken to get started on the broth recipe.

Once you finish boiling your chicken and get those bones back in the liquid, you can get started on your broth!
What spices do I add?
Once you get started on the broth, we recommend using aromatic vegetables like onions, celery and carrots. As you get comfortable with the recipe, get creative to tailor your broth for unique dishes.
As for spices, this can be as simple or as complex as you’d like it to be. Black peppercorns and bay leaf is a good foundation for nearly any broth/stock. Garlic clove, parsley and oregano are also excellent additions.
If you are looking to help with the common cold, a few pieces of chopped ginger and green onions give a bit of zest to a broth (and even more to a stew).
Can I cook this in the slow cooker?
Yes. No doubt. Both the cooking time and water ratio are bound to be substantially different. I am a purist and use the “pot on the stove” method. However, other options are as good depending your preference.
Slow Cooker: You can use this recipe but the time will be different. In a slow cooker on low heat it can take up to 4-5 hours (or longer). On high heat, it might be ready in 2-3 hours. Watch carefully to make sure the chicken doesn’t dry out if you are using it in another dish. The beauty of the slow cooker is you can walk away and do other things just checking back occasionally to check the progress of your broth.
Instant Pot: Chicken broth can be made using your Instant Pot as well. You would need to consult your pot directions for the broth so that your cooking time is consistent with the desired result.

How long will chicken broth last?
That depends on where it is. We like to keep a roll of painter’s tape & a sharpie in the kitchen to label the containers going into the freezer. Bonus–the blue tape peels right off without a weird residue.
Room temperature: technically, no more than 4 hours.
Refrigerator: no more than 7 days – the nose knows.
Freezer: As long as it was cooled properly and frozen immediately, about 3 months.
How can I store chicken broth?
In the refrigerator or freezer (see above for storage details).
Restaurant-style “deli” containers of various sizes are ideal, but not always easy to come by. Although, they are available through Amazon.
Another way to store several gallons in the freezer and take up little space is to use Ziplock bags. Pour cool chicken broth into bag, let out all the air possible, lay flay in freezer. Once its frozen, the bags can be stacked or filed away vertically, allowing for way more to fit.
We’ve all seen the PINTEREST “hack” of freezing broth in ice cube trays. It’s great for packing a lunch that will be reheated later. Place a cube or two in with savory foods and pack your bag. It will keep your food just a little cooler, plus add flavor and moisture to your food when it’s cooked.

Homemade Chicken Broth
- Large Pot (lid optional)
- Strainer
- Large Bowl
- 1 chicken (whole)
- water (1 qt for each 1 lb of chicken)
- salt (1 tbsp for each 1 lb of chicken)
- peppercorn
- 1 onion large, diced
- 2 carrots large, diced
- 5 celery stalk large, diced
- 3 bay leaf dried
- 1 garlic clove whole
- Follow the Boiled Chicken recipe as your first step.
- After boiling your chicken, debone after cooling, and place the bones back into the liquid.
- Bring the chicken bones and aromatic vegetables at a boil, cut the heat to a low simmer.
- Let this reduce slowly, over the course of half an hour or longer.
- Once the desired richness is reached, allow to cool slightly.
- Strain the chicken broth into a separate container. Discard the bones (don't give to pets) and spent vegetables.
- Before storing it in the refrigerator or freezer, allow it to cool as much as possible.